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 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)

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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:35

Mars Reed
Cause I'm your jazz singer and you're my cult leader.
I love you forever, I really love you forever

≈ NOM : Reed. ≈ PRÉNOMS : Mars Andrew. ≈ ÂGE : 35 ans. ≈ DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : le 13 avril 1979 à Pasadena, CA. ≈ ORIGINES : Irlandaises par sa mère et américaines et italiennes du coté de son père. ≈ ACTIVITÉ PROFESSIONNELLE : Disquaire dans un vieux magasin en perte de clients. ≈ STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire. ≈ ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : Hétérosexuel. ≈ TRAITS DE CARACTÈRE : Discret, naïf, sanguin, timide, vulgaire, maladroit. ≈ GROUPE : crowns.

≈ AIME : le soleil de la Californie, les mauvais films qui passent tard la nuit, les vieux papiers peints en motif de roses qu'on trouve dans les vielles maisons de Los Angeles, le gout du sang. ≈ DÉTESTE : La cote est, son beau frère, les animaux et la nature en général, son prénom, les hipsters, les new-yorkais qui pensent tout savoir, le gout des cigarettes qui reste dans la bouche, même si il fume.

~Ses parents ont divorcés quand il était tout petit et son père est parti vivre à Washington. Mars passait donc un week-end sur deux là-bas, chez son père qui c'était remarié et avait eu un autre fils, deux ans après Mars. Il a dû arrêter de venir quand il a enfoncé a cigarette allumée dans la gorge de son beau-frère qui avait passé toute une journée à le faire chier. ~ Il déteste son nom. Sa mère l'a appelé comme ça car elle était fan de mythologie, mais Mars préfère utiliser son deuxième prénom, Andrew, le plus possible. ~ La première fois qu'il a pris un joint, il avait 15 ans. C'était tellement fort qu'il a passé une bonne demi-heure à vomir. Il s'est juré de ne plus jamais fumer de sa vie, mais comme beaucoup de ses promesses, elle était cassée la semaine suivante. ~ Il aime bien se mettre des races seul dans son salon, pas qu'il soit alcoolique ni rien, il aime juste ça. ~ Il déteste les montagnes russes. Enfant, il a été traumatisé par une journée à Coney Island avec son père et son beau-frère. ~ Il est extrêmement vulgaire et il le sait. Il a pris l'habitude de dire des insultes en traînant avec les rejetés de son lycée pour faire chier sa mère. Si il dit une phrase sans insulte, c'est un miracle. ~ Il n'aime pas énormément son travail, mais ça paye le loyer.

≈ PSEUDO/PRÉNOM : Satan. ≈ ÂGE : 17 ans. ≈ FRÉQUENCE DE CONNEXION : Ça dépend, mais on va dire 5/7. ≈ OÙ AS-TU CONNU LE FORUM ? Bazzart. ≈ PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ, SCÉNARIO ? Inventé. ≈ UN DERNIER MOT ? Mot  Arrow .
<span class="avapr">james mcavoy ≈</span> mars reed.

it's gonna be hard when i'm gone.
La voilà enfin, la partie la plus éprouvante. C'est là que vous nous racontez l'histoire de votre personnage. À vous de choisir la manière dont vous souhaitez l'écrire, sous forme de texte, de journal ou de petites anecdotes. Nous demandons 20 lignes minimum.

Dernière édition par Mars Reed le Ven 30 Mai - 1:13, édité 2 fois
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Meadow Caldwell
Meadow Caldwell

≈ PSEUDO : (she)wolf. ☆ Morgane.
≈ MESSAGES : 555
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : dianna agron.
≈ CRÉDIT : (c) avatar ; hersunshine - gifs ; moi.
≈ STATUT : mère d'un petit garçon de six ans et complètement paumée.

got a secret, can you keep it
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:36

PROFESSEUR XAVIIIIIIIIIIIIER Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3488855934 Arrow (la fille qui a tout compris Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 876781467)
Bienvenue parmi nous, si tu as la moindre question n'hésite pas Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 1991397950 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3341926403 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 4246540362
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:40

Meadow Walker a écrit:
PROFESSEUR XAVIIIIIIIIIIIIER Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3488855934 Arrow (la fille qui a tout compris Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 876781467)
OH BORDEL J'ALLAIS DIRE LA MÊME CHOSE ! Je suis dans ma période X-Men en ce moment, c'est incroyable. Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499 Et Mea', on a Free, on a tout compris. Cool Arrow 
Sinon, je repars à ma fiche, mais je devais féliciter le choix, il est parfait. Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499 
Bienvenue aussi, même si tu es arrivé avant moi je crois. (a) Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 876781467 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 439863917 
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Hazel Rosens
Hazel Rosens

≈ PSEUDO : louve (axelle)
≈ MESSAGES : 434
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : lizzie la plus belle
≈ CRÉDIT : timeless. (vava) dark paradise (signa) tumblr (gif)
≈ STATUT : officiellement seule, officieusement dans une relation interdite

got a secret, can you keep it
≈ relationship:
≈ to do list:

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:43

 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203 
si t'as besoin j'suis là  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 50352260 
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:43

Bienvenue Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2615186732
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Echo R. Montgomery
Echo R. Montgomery

≈ PSEUDO : Aurore E.
≈ MESSAGES : 313
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Emma Stone
≈ CRÉDIT : timeless (B. <3)
≈ STATUT : en couple avec Gabriel, mais amoureuse de son demi-frère, tiraillée entre les deux

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:44

Bienvenue beau monsieur et bonne chance pour ta fiche Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 1787838678
N'hésite pas si besoin Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3488855934
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 21:52

james james james Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 1574723249
et l'image de filth  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 50352260 bienvenue  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 558535422 
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Arizona Lewis
Arizona Lewis

≈ PSEUDO : (c) nytrogine
≈ MESSAGES : 108
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : gabriella wilde
≈ CRÉDIT : pumpkinseed
≈ STATUT : célibataire

got a secret, can you keep it
≈ relationship:
≈ to do list:

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 22:14

bienvenue  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2445722711 
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 22:15

Merci à vous tous, quel accueil  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499 

Je retourne les compliments, vous avez des choix de malade vous aussi!  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3488855934 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203
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Leslie Higgins
Leslie Higgins

≈ PSEUDO : pataaaata.
≈ MESSAGES : 124
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : caleb landry sexy jones.
≈ CRÉDIT : shiya.
≈ STATUT : célibataire, plus ou moins, plutôt moins.

got a secret, can you keep it
≈ relationship:
≈ to do list:

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 22:46

Un fassy et après, un mcavoy !  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3488855934 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3370132943 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2861205845 
(le xmen en force !  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 4055671049 à
Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche !  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 558535422 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 1787838678 
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 23:01

BANSHEEEEEEEEEEE!  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3488855934 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 1054467693 
Merci beaucoup!  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3559106686 
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Leslie Higgins
Leslie Higgins

≈ PSEUDO : pataaaata.
≈ MESSAGES : 124
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : caleb landry sexy jones.
≈ CRÉDIT : shiya.
≈ STATUT : célibataire, plus ou moins, plutôt moins.

got a secret, can you keep it
≈ relationship:
≈ to do list:

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 23:13

Oui Banshee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Il a trop la classe !  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3036041733 
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 23:22

Oui il est tellement classe!  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203 
Enfin Caleb m'a bien traumatisé dans Antiviral Arrow

Cette scène  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 239388132
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Antigone Fitzgerald
Antigone Fitzgerald

≈ PSEUDO : ice and fire.
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : adelaide kane.
≈ CRÉDIT : rusty halo.
≈ STATUT : célibataire.

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 23:26

tébo tewa.  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3864692378 
bienvenue ici mon mignon et réserve moi un lien parce que mcavoy il est nfdndj.  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 50352260 en plus ton pseudo, jomeurs.  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3249283203 
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyVen 30 Mai - 7:07

J'aime ton pseudo Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3844806999 Bienvenue I love you
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyVen 30 Mai - 13:23

Oh James Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3798279566 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2243158402
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3341926403 Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyVen 30 Mai - 14:33

Welcome Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptySam 31 Mai - 20:27

Merci à vous!  Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499 
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyDim 1 Juin - 14:25

Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche !
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Meadow Caldwell
Meadow Caldwell

≈ PSEUDO : (she)wolf. ☆ Morgane.
≈ MESSAGES : 555
≈ CÉLÉBRITÉ : dianna agron.
≈ CRÉDIT : (c) avatar ; hersunshine - gifs ; moi.
≈ STATUT : mère d'un petit garçon de six ans et complètement paumée.

got a secret, can you keep it
≈ relationship:
≈ to do list:

Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyMer 4 Juin - 18:55

Bonsoir Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 2531034499
Le délai de ta fiche arrive à son terme, de ce fait je la déplace et il te reste quatre jours pour la terminer Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3341926403
Cependant, si tu as besoin d'un peu plus de temps, n'hésite pas à demander Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) 3798279566
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) EmptyJeu 5 Juin - 7:17

On le voit tellement pas assez ce james *-*

en plus j'ai revu Becoming Jane, j'avais oublié THE baiser *-*

bref, j'arrête de baver, bienvenue !
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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)   Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars) Empty

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Took a drive into the sprawl to find the house where we used to stay (Mars)

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